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Martinos room // American Occultation is an audio-visual performance along with an accompanying installation that highlights the obscurity of iconography in “America”. By subverting traditional notions and concepts of America, its flag, its people, and its music and centering the discussion on artwork already well recognized in the long history of American Flag art like the work of David Hammons, Jasper Johns, and Stephanie Syjuco synthesized against lionzed orchestral compositions like Antonin Dvorak’s “American”, American Occultation seeks to amalgamate the sonic and the optic to create a sensorial cacophony of challengingly narratives. Themes of imagery, composition, patriotism, nationalism, and blackness all sit as centerpieces throughout the entirety of the performance and work to accompany the narrative throughlines presented in the audio-visual material. // open to the public

Granoff Center
154 Angell St, Providence

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