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Our second program in our Monumental Art series is Monumental Art: Print. Artist and facilitator, Mae Jackson of mae_be_magpie will help the group design and print original artwork with drypoint printmaking. Drypoint is an intaglio printmaking method that involves scratching an image into a plate with a pointed tool. Our “plates” are all recycled pieces of plastic (think the lids from a box of salad at the grocery store), so we’re also leaning into the “reuse” part of reduce, reuse, recycle! We’ll have a printing press on site, and all the tools you’ll need to make your own print. You don’t need to have any experience with printmaking to join us, and Mae will walk everyone through the process, we’ll have some sketch time, and then make some art! Come to the cemetery and be inspired by the art, nature, and history here, and leave with a one of a kind piece of art (and maybe a new printmaking hobby!)

Flyer for 'Monumental Art: drypoint print workshop'

North Burial Ground

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